Sachar Dental NYC
For SAME day / emergency appointments
Call (212) 752-1163
All the below content has been written by NYC Dentist, Dr. Sandip Sachar.
Emergency Dentist NYC

On this page: (Click topic below)
- Cosmetic dental emergencies
- Emergency dentist for jaw pain and TMJ
- Emergency dentist for toothache or tooth pain
- Emergency dentist for lost or loose filling
- Emergency dental visible broken teeth aka fractured teeth
- Emergency dentist for infections and abscess
- Emergency for tooth injury
- Emergency for bleeding gums and swollen gums
- Emergency dentist for broken crowns or loose crowns
- Emergency dentist for lost, loose, or broken veneers
- Emergency dentist for broken denture
- Emergency dentist for sensitive teeth
Our NYC dentists are experts in treating dental emergencies
We offer same day appointments to get your problem fixed right, and fixed quickly

We treat all dental emergencies including, but not limited to:
- Tooth ache
- Tooth pain
- Sensitive teeth
- Broken teeth
- Dental infections
- Injuries
- Dental abscess
- Bleeding gums
- Broken crown
- Broken fillings
- Swollen gums
- Loose crowns
- Loose veneers
- Jaw pain
- Broken dentures
No problem is too large or too small. Call us today.
For same day and IMMEDIATE appointments please call our experienced team NOW.
Call (212) 752-1163
At Sachar Dental NYC our dentists are experts in Emergency Dental Care!
We have decades of experience taking care of dental emergencies in New York City. We can handle any dental problem no matter how large or how small it is.
Immediate dental emergency relief
A majority of our patients experience resolution of their problems on their first visit. We relieve pain, remove infection, and produce cosmetic results right away. There are many dentists in New York City that perform emergency dental procedures. Call us today to find out why we are the best dentists in NYC for you dental emergency care!
Dental emergencies
We offer immediate, same day, appointments to get your problem fixed quickly.
We know that having a dental emergency can be a very stressful and often scary experience. The first thing you will notice at Sachar Dental NYC is how compassionate and caring our staff, general dentists and specialists are.
We also know that when you have an emergency you do not want to wait for relief of your pain or problems. That’s why we offer same day, immediate appointments for you to come in ASAP. Many of our patients can experience total or partial relief of their pain on their first visit.
Most common dental emergency treatments
The most common emergency dental procedures we perform include: root canal, treatment of infections of the teeth and gums, fixing broken teeth, tooth extraction, repairing broken appliances such as dentures, crowns, fillings and bridges. We also often treat the severe pain associated with TMJ pain.
Cosmetic dental emergencies
Cosmetic dental emergencies may sound like an oxymoron, however, these are very common. Imagine going to your next meeting when the veneer pops off from your front tooth. This can not only be embarrassing, but also very stressful. No one wants to be seen with a broken front tooth. We ensure same-day appointments to get these problems fixed immediately. In addition to diagnosing and fixing your cosmetic problem immediately, we think long-term. We take into consideration all aspects of long-term treatment to diagnose why the problem has happened in the first place and to ensure that it does not happen again.
As an example of a cosmetic dentistry emergency, many times a patient will call with a problem with a veneer or crown that has fallen out. We know it is embarrassing to be seen in public with a missing veneer and take this dental emergency seriously. We can bond a veneer back that has been retained or make a temporary one until a permanent one is ready from our dental laboratory.
Diagnosing the cause of a dental emergency
The first step in taking care of dental emergencies is formulating a proper diagnosis. This is an area that we excel in due to our extensive experience, advanced training and complex thought process. We always listen to our patients as the first step in the diagnosis procedure.
Taking care of emergency dental problems starts with having a proper diagnosis. Formulating the right diagnosis is the most important part of treating a dental emergency correctly! Our dentists take great pride being excellent at diagnosing dental problems.
As in every day practice, it is extremely important to figure out the root cause of your problem. Many times, we see patients that have been diagnosed with problems in the wrong tooth. Believe it or not, this is a common problem. Oftentimes, pain in a tooth may be due to referred pain from another area of the mouth or another tooth entirely. This ability to diagnose referred pain comes from many years of experience treating patients. Additionally, having many specialties in our practice is an invaluable asset. We are experts in many areas of dental care. When patients present with mouth pain, diagnosis can become especially difficult due to referred pain. Our dentists spend an exceptional amount of time listening to our patients, examining their mouths and determining what is the true cause of the pain prior to any invasive treatment.
A large part of a proper diagnosis, is not only determining what the immediate problem is, but also determining what the underlying cause of the problem is. We will not only fix the immediate problem, but also determine the underlying factors that led to it. For example, if a veneer on the front tooth pops off or breaks, it is likely that there is pressure on that tooth due to the misalignment of the overall bite including the rest of the teeth. In addition to bonding the veneer that has come off, we will also adjust the bite to reduce the amount of pressure on the tooth to ensure that this problem does not happen again.
Immediate dental emergency relief
A majority of our patients experience resolution of their problems on their first visit. We relieve pain, remove infection, and produce cosmetic results right away. We offer immediate, same day, appointments to get your problem fixed quickly.
Treatment of dental emergencies
Before we do any treatments, we take into consideration many factors. We do not rush into aggressive procedures that may have long-term consequences. We take into consideration not only the function and the aesthetics of the problem but also the costs associated with these treatments. Our philosophy is not to rush into aggressive treatment options whenever possible. We use the least invasive and most conservative methods possible. Our goal is to fix the immediate problem and also take into consideration your long-term overall dental health.
A majority of our patients leave with immediate relief of the symptoms and pain and cosmetic concerns in one visit. We have excellent relationships with our dental laboratories to get same-day turnaround on veneers, crowns and any other appliances when needed.
We have experience performing many procedures such as root canals, abscess drainage, fixing broken teeth, tooth extraction, treatment of TMJ / jaw pain, gum therapy for bleeding or swollen gums, filling painful cavities, repairs of dentures and veneers, replacing crowns, bondings and many more.
We take great pride in not performing “single-tooth dentistry”. We take into consideration the entire mouth and structures in order to deliver long-term solution to problems and overall oral health. For example, you may have a single tooth that is in pain, that needs attention. Rather than focus on that single-tooth only, we will determine what is causing pressure on that tooth. Oftentimes, that one tooth may be hitting harder than it is supposed to, due to the overall bite that may be out of alignment and has changed over the years. We will address all the teeth to reduce the abnormal pressures and to solve the problem.
Referred dental pain
Oftentimes pain in one tooth may be coming from referred pain from another adjacent tooth or from the jaw muscles. We are experts in making this determination of where the pain is coming from. One should not perform procedures on the tooth where the pain is, when it was coming from another source. Unfortunately, we have seen many patients that have had the wrong tooth removed and the pain is still present after the treatment, necessitating additional invasive procedures that could have been avoided by doing the correct procedure first.
Why we are the best emergency dentists in NYC?
At Sachar Dental NYC our dentists are experts in emergency dental care!
When it comes to fixing dental problems we also excel. We do not rush into performing invasive procedures. In fact, we take great pride in always performing the least invasive and most conservative treatment options whenever possible. This goes for dental emergencies and our everyday practice. We always take into consideration the long term sequala of all procedures performed, and not just a quick fix.
Additionally, our dentists have all undergone advance dental training at the Spear Education Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. This comprehensive training includes advanced understanding and management of complex cases including the management of minor to major dental emergencies.
We are ethical and competent dentists. We know that our dental emergency patients come to us in a time of severe need and we treat them with respect and always treat them like we would treat our own families and how we would like to be treated ourselves.
If you are experiencing a dental emergency call our office immediately for an immediate appointment with our dental experts to get your problem fixed fast, and fixed the right way.
We have decades of experience taking care of dental emergencies in New York City. We can handle any dental problem no matter how large or how small it is.
Emergency dentist for tooth ache or tooth pain
What can cause tooth ache or tooth pain?
- Cavity - a cavity occurs when bacteria produce acid that decay a tooth.
- Infection - infection occurs when bacteria builds up.
- Nerve death - this occurs when the nerve within the tooth begins die.
- Fracture – a fracture occurs when a tooth breaks due to trauma.
- Broken filling - an old filling can break due to the age of the filling, or trauma.
- Clenching and grinding - these can cause repetitive trauma to the teeth over time.
- Gum infection - bacteria that gets under the gums.
- Ill-fitting crown - a crown that does not fully seal the tooth.
- Trauma - any exogenous force can cause damage to a tooth.
- Warn enamel from brushing too hard - over time, brushing too hard can remove the enamel layer of the tooth, causing sensitivity.
- Gum recession - can expose the root of the tooth, causing sensitivity or pain.
- Referred pain - a tooth that has pain may not always be where the pathology exists.
- Wisdom tooth impaction - wisdom teeth can cause pain when they erupt, or try to erupt.
- Failed dental procedures - anytime a procedure fails, it can cause pain.
Diagnosis of tooth ache or tooth pain
The first step in diagnosing tooth pain is taking a thorough history from the patient. We ask questions and listen to the patient’s description of the pain, including: how it started, how long it has been present, the nature of the pain, aggravating factors, the onset, location, and prior treatments.
The next step in diagnosing tooth pain is the clinical examination. We do a thorough physical examination of the tooth and the gums. We do imaging such as x-rays. During our physical examination, we also look of the surrounding teeth as sometimes the pain is referred from one tooth to another.
Treatment of tooth ache or tooth pain
At Sachar Dental, we take great pride in our extensive experience and our training. After 20 years of experience in practicing in such a large city as New York, as well as training in this Metropolitan area, we have seen at all. No matter how big or small your problem is, we can address it with confidence.
All of the doctors at Sachar Dental NYC have completed advanced dental training at Spear Education in Scottsdale, Arizona. This comprehensive training included advanced understanding and management of all pathologies from simple to the most complex cases.
In addition to our extensive training, we are extremely thorough in our examination and thought processes. We are able to diagnosis even the most difficult and elusive problems. We do not rush into treatments until we are completely sure of the diagnosis. We also always choose the most conservative and least invasive treatments available for individual problems. Additionally, our implanted dental materials are always the least toxic and the highest quality.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for tooth ache or tooth pain?
At Sachar Dental, we take great pride in our extensive experience and our training. After 20 years of experience in practicing in such a large city as New York, as well as training in this Metropolitan area, we have seen at all. No matter how big or small your problem is, we can address it with confidence.
All of the doctors at Sachar Dental NYC have completed advanced dental training at Spear Education in Scottsdale, Arizona. This comprehensive training included advanced understanding and management of all pathologies from simple to the most complex cases.
In addition to our extensive training, we are extremely thorough in our examination and thought processes. We are able to diagnosis even the most difficult and elusive problems. We do not rush into treatments until we are completely sure of the diagnosis. We also always choose the most conservative and least invasive treatments available for individual problems. Additionally, our implanted dental materials are always the least toxic and the highest quality.
Emergency dentist NYC for lost or loose fillings
Fillings are performed in order to fill the deficit from a cavity within a tooth. It is important to fill cavities quickly rather than letting them linger in order to prevent the cavity from getting larger and/or infection spreading. Likewise, when a filling becomes loose or lost is also important to fix this right away to prevent bigger problems.
What can cause lost or loose fillings?
Over time, fillings may become loose and fall out of a tooth. When a filling becomes loose it may present as pain or sensitivity to the tooth. Sometimes, a loose filling may be asymptomatic. If this is the case, it will be diagnosed in your regular dental checkup. If you suspect a loose filling it is important to get an examination by a dentist. It is more obvious when the filling actually falls out.
Symptoms and problems associated with of lost or loose fillings
Losing a filling can result in a few different problems. When a filling falls out the remaining tooth becomes more vulnerable to fracture or cracking. A tooth without a filling is far weaker than with it in. Just biting down on something may cause the tooth to break. The filling supports the remaining tooth after the cavity is filled. The filling also forms of barrier to bacteria spreading within the cavity. Once the filling is no longer present, bacteria can get into the tooth and spread causing tooth decay, and may affect the nerve necessitating a root canal procedure.
Diagnosis of lost or loose fillings
Diagnosis or lost loose filling is made by clinical examination and x-ray.
Treatment of lost or loose fillings
When a filling becomes loose or falls out, treatment becomes very similar to the original treatment for a cavity. A cavity is a deficit in the structure of the tooth. The first step in cavity treatment is to identify the extent of the cavity and the severity. This will determine the level of treatment necessary.
The process of replacing the filling starts with removing the decayed part of the tooth, if it has gotten more decayed since the filling fell out. Next, the deficit is filled with filling materials. As always at Sachar Dental NYC, we use the least toxic materials possible. We only use tooth colored filling material for a more cosmetic result. Once the filling material has been placed, this fully seals the tooth to reduce further destruction and the spread of bacteria.
When a filling falls out and is not fixed relatively quickly, a cavity can become more extensive or severe. When this happens, it is possible for the tooth to become weakened so much that a filling will no longer work. The next step to repair this problem is by placing a crown over the tooth. As always at Sachar Dental NYC, we try to perform the least invasive procedures first.
After a filling has been lost, it is possible that the nerve within the tooth may become irritated or infected. At this stage, a root canal procedure becomes necessary. A root canal procedure involves removing the nerve within the tooth. It is then filled with filling material where the nerve used to be.
If left untreated for a longer period of time after the filling falls out, the decay may become so severe that the tooth cannot be saved. At this stage, we will perform an extraction of the entire tooth. Again, at Sachar Dental NYC, we always try to perform the least invasive procedures possible. After an extraction is performed, the tooth is replaced with a dental implant.
Early intervention after a filling becomes loose or lost is very important in order to prevent the need for more invasive procedures.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for lost or loose fillings?
Once we come up with a working diagnosis of why you have a loose or lost filling, we address the cause of the problem, and not just the symptoms. Once we address the cause of your lost or loose filling, we then repair the problem with either new filling or another alternative treatment when necessary. We always opt for the most conservative and least invasive treatment options for each individual problem. We also always use the least toxic materials when an invasive procedure is necessary.
Emergency dentist NYC for broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)
One of the most common things we get called for on an emergency basis at Sachar Dental NYC, is for broken teeth. Within the category of broken teeth, there are multiple levels of severity. These can range from a small chip that is broken off, to a major part of the tooth that has come loose or separated. Sometimes, an old filling can break free from a tooth as well. Other times, the patient may have a hairline fracture through a tooth. This can be very painful yet not be observed easily when looking.
What can cause broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)?
A very common cause of a broken tooth is due to a large old filling. These fillings are usually 15 or more years old. They also are significantly large that they are majority of the size of the actual tooth. Over the years, from everyday chewing, there is wear and tear on the filling and the tooth around it. Eventually the old filling and part of the tooth can become cracked and loose and possibly fall out.
Another common cause of broken teeth is biting down on something that is hard, such as a bone, accidentally biting the tip of a fork or a hard popcorn kernel, etc.
Clenching or grinding your teeth can also cause teeth to break.
Symptoms of broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)
- Sensitivity to cold
- Sensitivity to heat
- Sensitivity to sweets
- Pain with pressure
- Pain with chewing and biting
- Spontaneous pain
- Constant dull tooth ache
- Constant severe pain
- Throbbing
- Sometimes, broken teeth may be asymptomatic.
Diagnosis of broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)
During your visit we will do an extensive examination of the tooth or teeth. We will assess the extent of the damage and the size of the fracture. We will take x-rays to evaluate the extent of the fracture and location of the nerve. We also observe to see if there is any infection or abscess within the broken tooth.
Treatment of broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)
For a small chip or crack in the tooth we will perform a bonding procedure in order to replace the missing part of the tooth with a tooth colored fillings material.
For larger breaks within the tooth we will replace missing tooth with porcelain. This is achieved with a porcelain onlay, a porcelain inlay or a crown.
When the nerve is exposed within the broken part of the tooth, it may be necessary to perform a root canal procedure followed by a post and crown.
When an abscess is observed on x-ray, it may also be necessary perform a root canal procedure followed by a post and crown.
Finally, when the fracture is severe and the tooth cannot be preserved, we may need to perform an extraction, and possibly follow-up with a dental implant procedure.
Why are we best emergency dentists for broken teeth (aka fractured teeth)?
At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials. We try to avoid more invasive procedures for broken teeth such as root canals and extractions.
Emergency dentist NYC for sensitive teeth
What can cause sensitive teeth?
- Gum recession
- Wear and grinding
- Trauma the teeth
- Cavity, tooth decay
- Ill-fitting crown
Symptoms of sensitive teeth
Symptoms of sensitivity to teeth can be sensitivity to cold, heat, sweets, and pressure.
Diagnosis of sensitive teeth
We will make a diagnosis of why you have tooth sensitivity based on our clinical examination and x-rays.
Treatment of sensitive teeth
We will treat your sensitivity of the teeth depending on the actual cause. We will address the cause of the sensitivity as well as the underlying factors that lead up to it in order to prevent it from coming back again in the future.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for sensitive teeth?
Our management of sensitivity of teeth starts with figuring out what is the proper diagnosis. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist NYC for dental infections and dental abscess
What can cause dental infections and dental abscess?
- Cavity and tooth decay
- Trauma and fracture
- Untreated gum infections
- Failed root canal
- Failed crown
Symptoms of dental infections and dental abscess
- Pain
- Swelling
Diagnosis of dental infections and dental abscess
We will make a diagnosis of why you have dental infection based on our clinical examination and x-rays. We will also assess the severity and extent of the infection.
Treatment of dental infections and dental abscess
We will treat your dental infection depending on the actual cause. We will address the cause of the infection as well as the underlying factors that lead up to it in order to prevent it from coming back again in the future.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for dental infections and dental abscess?
Our management of infection of the teeth starts with figuring out what is the proper diagnosis. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist NYC for teeth injuries
What can cause teeth injuries?
Injuries of the teeth can arise from blunt force trauma such as from a fall or being hit. Injuries can also arise from repetitive forces from grinding and clenching.
Symptoms of teeth injuries
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Noticeable fracture
Diagnosis of teeth injuries
Treatment for injuries of the teeth will be tailored based on the actual injury. For example, for a fractured tooth, we will perform a bonding or a crown.
Treatment of teeth injuries
Treatment for injuries of the teeth will be tailored based on the actual injury. For example, for a fractured tooth, we will perform a bonding or a crown.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for teeth injuries?
Our management of injuries of the teeth starts with figuring out what is the proper diagnosis. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist for bleeding gums and swollen gums
What can cause bleeding gums and swollen gums?
- Periodontal disease, gum disease
- Infection of the teeth and gums
- Trauma to the teeth or gums
Diagnosis of bleeding gums and swollen gums
We will make a diagnosis of the cause of bleeding gums and swollen gums based on our patients’ description of the onset as well as our clinical examination and x-rays.
Treatment of bleeding gums and swollen gums
The treatment of bleeding or swollen gums will depend on the cause. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for bleeding gums and swollen gums?
Our management of bleeding or swollen gums starts with figuring out what is the proper diagnosis. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist NYC for broken crowns or loose crowns
What can cause broken crowns or loose crowns?
- Trauma
- Biting down on something too hard
- Tooth decay
- Clenching and grinding
Symptoms of broken crowns or loose crowns
- Pain
- Sensitivity
- Obvious loose crown or failure of the crown
Diagnosis of broken crowns or loose crowns
Diagnosis of a broken or loose crown will be made based on our clinical examination and x-rays. In addition to the diagnosis of a broken or loose crown, we will also determine why the crown has become loose or broken.
Once a crown has become loose or falls off the tooth, the remaining tooth may become more vulnerable to fracture or cracking. Without the crown sealing the tooth, the tooth is also more susceptible to decay and cavities and the spread of bacteria.
Treatment of broken crowns or loose crowns
Treatment for a broken or loose crown will depend on the severity. We may be able to just replace a broken or loose crown. If additional decay has occurred, it may require more invasive treatment such as a root canal or extraction. For this reason, it is important to treat broken and loose crowns soon as they are observed.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for broken crowns or loose crowns?
Our management of a broken or loose crown starts with figuring out what is cause of your crown to fail. We spend a great deal of time in order to figure out the underlying cause of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms, and replacing the crown. When additional decay has occurred, we do our best to save as much of the natural tooth as possible. At Sachar Dental NYC, we always do the most conservative and least invasive procedures. We use only the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist NYC for lost veneers, loose veneers or broken veneers
What can cause loose veneers or broken veneers?
- Trauma
- Biting down on something too hard
- Tooth decay
- Clenching and grinding
Diagnosis of loose veneers or broken veneers
Diagnosis of a broken or loose veneer will be made based on our clinical examination and x-rays. In addition to the diagnosis of a broken or loose veneer, we will also determine the factors leading up to why the veneer has become loose or broken, and address this as well.
Treatment of loose veneers or broken veneers
Our treatment for a loose or broken veneer will start with addressing the underlying cause of the problem and why this has happened to begin with. We will also start with providing you with a temporary veneer for aesthetic reasons. We will order a new veneer from our dental laboratory and have you come back to permanently bond it to your tooth.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for loose veneers or broken veneers?
At Sachar Dental NYC we take great pride in her ability to match colors. We will provide you with a replacement veneer exactly matching the color of your existing teeth. We will spend a great deal of time in order to figure out why you have had failure of your veneer, rather than just replacing it. This will prevent future failure again.
Emergency dentist NYC for jaw pain and TMJ
What can cause jaw pain and TMJ?
- Clenching
- Grinding
- Stress
- Malaligned bite
- Airway obstruction
Symptoms of jaw pain and TMJ
- Jaw pain
- Headache, including migraine
- Pain in the neck
- Shoulder pain
- Facial pain
- Clicking of the jaw
- Locking of the jaw
- Popping of the jaw
- Ear pain
- Ringing in the ears
- Ear sensitivity
- Dizziness
- Faintness
- Light-headedness
- Vertigo (spinning sensation)
- Loss of balance or feeling of unsteadiness
Diagnosis of jaw pain and TMJ
In order to diagnose the cause of your jaw pain or TMJ, we will start with obtaining a thorough history from our patients. We will do a thorough clinical examination and take x-rays. We will determine what the underlying factors are causing the pain and TMJ.
Treatment of jaw pain and TMJ
In the short-term, we may prescribe anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants. We may recommend a soft diet for a few days. The longer-term treatment will depend on the cause of your jaw pain and TMJ disorder. The most common cause of TMJ disorder and jaw pain is clenching and grinding. We will often fabricate a night guard to prevent clenching and grinding. We will also treat any other causes such as a malaligned bite. As always, at Sachar Dental NYC, we will perform the least invasive and most conservative treatments.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for jaw pain and TMJ?
At Sachar Dental NYC, we have an extremely high success rates when it comes to treating jaw pain and TMJ. The first step in treatment is determining the underlying cause and making the proper diagnosis. We are experts in making this challenging diagnosis due to our extensive experience of practicing in New York City for over two decades, as well as our advanced training at Spear Education for Advanced Dentistry in Scottsdale, Arizona. As always, at Sachar Dental NYC, we always perform the least invasive and most conservative treatment options as well as use the least toxic materials.
Emergency dentist NYC for broken dentures
What can cause broken dentures?
- Trauma
- Wear
- Clenching and grinding
- Biting down on something too hard
Treatment of broken dentures
We may be able to repair your broken denture. We first attempt to repair your denture in our office while you wait. If we are unable to repair it in our office, we may send it to our dental laboratory for repair. We may also give you a temporary denture while we wait for yours to be returned from our dental laboratory.
In some cases, we may recommend replacing your old denture with a new one. In order to fabricate a new denture to replace the broken denture, we will take a mold of your mouth and send that to our dental laboratory.
Why are we best emergency dentists in NYC for broken dentures?
We will always try to repair your broken denture prior to ordering a new one. We only use the best dental laboratory in New York City. We also use the best materials and least toxic materials. All of our materials are BPA-free. For more complex cases of dentures, we have a specialist, prosthodontist on our team and in our office. His success rate in producing dentures that are functional and comfortable is truly exceptional.